Celebrating National Doctors’ Day : Honoring Our Healthcare Heroes
July 1, 2024Book A Free Demo
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Every year around 2 million people develop TB in India and 300,000 die due to TB. The emergence of drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) has become a major public health concern in India. Not only MDR-TB is a potential threat in controlling TB but it is also full of challenges starting from diagnosis to treatment and drug delivery.
Health care providers can help prevent MDR-TB by early diagnosis, following recommended treatment guidelines, monitoring patients’ response to treatment, and making sure therapy is completed.
Objective: Determining doctors’ perception on Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) diagnosis and treatment
A total of 114 doctors participated in the survey – General practitioners (69%), Pulmonologist (14%), Others (17%)
Early MDR-TB detection and prompt initiation of effective treatment are important factors by which doctors can obtain successful outcomes. To control the primary transmission of MDR-TB in India, developing and promoting national standards for TB, strengthening TB awareness initiatives, and improving the medical security of each patient should become a priority.
To know more about Insights: Doctors’ Perception On Patient Safety, Click Here
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